
Things to do with used coffee - suggestion 4

Well here we are in week 4 with some more interesting ideas for your used coffee grounds...

Homemade Soap

Did you know that you can actually absorb caffeine through your skin? You can and the multitude of caffeinated soaps available around the internet are testament to how well it works. For an all-natural alternative, why not turn your old coffee grounds into homemade soap so you can get one more good caffeine kick in the morning before work?


If you use a lot of hair styling products, or if you’ve recently switched to a natural shampoo and conditioner, your hair is probably weighted down by residue. Remove that build-up using old coffee grounds to give your hair a lift and restore its natural healthy shine. Before you shampoo, simply grab a handful of used grounds and massage them into your hair. The coarse texture is enough to break apart the product residue, but it’s also gentle enough that it won’t damage your locks.

all content is sourced from


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